Around the World Circle

News from around the world.

By various authors. 


South America on Evangelism Elder J. W. Westphal reports: " The spirit of evangelism in South America is continuing, and it seems to be developing the strongest in the Austral Union, where about a dozen public efforts are now in progress or have recently closed. These efforts are con­ducted by various workers. For ex­ample, two of our editors have taken charge of two different efforts, and have received the hearty co-operation of church members, both in service and in a financial way. Another effort is being conducted by a licentiate worker, who has now organized a good-sized baptismal class. In another effort, two lay brethren took charge until the in­terest grew beyond them, and they called for help. Another effort was conducted by a sustentation preacher and a lay brother. Thus you see that the evangelistic spirit is taking posses­sion of conference workers and the lay members in our churches as well, . . .

" I am looking forward with great anticipation to receiving the first num­ber of The Ministry, for I consider this an advance step in the interests of our ministerial and evangelical work. In our recent division council a reso­lution was passed indorsing this new periodical for our workers, and I an­ticipate there will be a large subscription list sent in from South America."

Inter-America on Reading Courses

Elder E. E. Andress, vice-president, sends a word of assurance: " We will do our best to get as many of our workers enrolled in the Reading Course for 1928 as possible. We greatly appreciate the efforts you are putting forth to help us."

Elder C. E. Wood writes: " We shall be glad to see the first issue of THE MINISTRY, and are putting forth earnest effort to have all the workers in this division subscribe, for we feel sure it will be a source of great spiritual and intellectual benefit to them. We hope to report to you a much larger enroll­ment of ministerial reading than in 1927. It may be of interest to know that for our Spanish Reading Course in 1928 we have decided to use the books recommended by the South American Division, which are as fol­lows: ` Testimonies Selectos,' No. 2