For years those engaged in evangelistic work have desired a means of drawing closer together for study and helpful discussion of mutual problems. We thank God for the upbuilding of the work in the publishing department, in the educational, young people's, medical missionary, Sabbath school, and home missionary departments, with their activities touching an army of workers in the cause; and now it is very cheering to see that the ministerial and evangelistic work, which is so inclusive of all other lines of activity and leads them all, is so strongly functioning along the lines of study and interchange of experiences and ideas. We know that the endeavor of the Ministerial Association will appeal to the evangelistic workers in all the world.
Ever since the Lord Jesus took the first steps in the organization of His church in New Testament times, and ordained the twelve and then the seventy, the work of God has been extending into new fields by the ministry of the word. It is a wonderful word that God has given to us in Holy Scripture. Every word of God is a living word, the seed of the kingdom, and every believer is to have a part in sowing that seed. But as Jesus called out some to give their whole time to the ministry of the word, so now an army of workers have been called out under this third angel's message to give their time wholly to preaching and teaching the word.
Never does the gospel worker reach the point where he does not need to study and pray in order to be a more efficient worker for God. We are called to shepherd the flock of God, and to lead the whole church in soul-winning activity. As now the Ministerial Association through The Ministry enters upon a larger service, may every worker take advantage of this privilege to co-operate to the fullest extent. With the call of the hour to God's people to consecrate themselves more fully than ever in life and heart and soul and all to the winning of souls, may we as ministers and evangelists be granted grace to -lead our brethren and sisters in this consecration, in prayer, in self-sacrifice, and in renunciation of everything in this world that would hinder the inflowing of the grace of Christ, and weaken us as ministers in our spiritual experience and in soul-winning service.
Washington, D. C.