With Your Secretaries

Closing announcements from the Ministry back page.

L.E.F. is editor of the Ministry.

Elder A.G. Daniells is sailing April 21 for Australia via Honolulu. He will stop at this latter port for two weeks for special spiritual work with the churches, and then go directly to Fiji, New Zealand, and Aus­tralia for a year of intensive labor in ministerial institutes and general spiritual uplift work throughout the Australasian Division. We are confident that the prayers of our readers will follow the faithful labors of the veteran leader of this cause through some of its most critical periods of development and expansion. We need the counsel and the vision of ripened experience. Before leaving for this service overseas, Elder Daniells assisted in the institutes in the Southeastern and Pacific Union Conferences.

Elder Meade MacGuire, who is spending a year in the Far Eastern Division in similar efforts among workers and native believers, is, in an emergency, acting as temporary director of the East Visayan Mission of the Philippine Union, pending the securing of a regular director. It is a source of satisfaction that Association secretaries can fit into emer­gency situations in time of need. Nor is this the first time in the Association's brief history. Elder MacGuire writes impressively of the tremendous call of the great Orient for a Spirit-filled and Spirit-led leadership.

Mrs. J. W. Mace, acting as observer and reporter forThe Ministry and gleaner of material for future issues, and with special concern for, the Bible Workers' section, has had most fruitful trips, the tangible re­sults of which will be increasingly evident as the months pass by. The personal contact with these important groups, whose work is more ef­fectual than spectacular, has been most helpful.

Elder L. E. Froom has, between participation in the Columbia and Eastern Canadian Union institute sessions and the Atlantic Union meet­ing, been privileged to assist at Atlantic Union College during their spring Week of Prayer. These contacts with the youth of the movement are greatly treasured periods, rich with possibilities. And the union sessions which mean so much to the rank and file of our workers who are usually denied the privilege of Autumn Councils and General Con­ferences, are seasons of refreshing and spiritual inspiration. Pray for your secretaries, fellow workers, in the responsibilities to which they have been called.                                                                                    

L. E. F.

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L.E.F. is editor of the Ministry.

May 1928

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Stimulating Original Study

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The Association Forum

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