Spiritual Awakening

A personal testimony.

Gen. Conf. Field Secretary

Spiritual Awakening

With my parents I accepted the third angel's message, and later in life I entered the ministry. For thirty-three years I have preached the ad­vent message, and not a doubt has lodged in my mind regarding the fun­damental doctrines involved, nor of the final triumph of the remnant church. But I wish to bear personal testimony regarding my own experience in enter­ing into new and blessed acquaint­anceship with my adorable Lord.

While carrying heavy administrative work during recent years, which seemed to press down upon me almost beyond measure, my attention was di­rected to certain scriptures, and also to statements in the writings of the spirit of prophecy, which very clearly pointed out to me a new standard in personal life, conduct, and teaching. In deep humility and quiet meditation, I reviewed my life work in the minis­try. I did not discover wherein I had particularly neglected to present the basic doctrines, for I believe them every one. With zeal and courage I had pushed every line of missionary activity; I had led the churches into every campaign, and had helped to set the goals and to reach them; I had set before our people the importance of faithfulness in tithes and offerings. All this I recognized as rightfully my duty, and that it would always be my duty while connected with the cause of God. But notwithstanding all this service so cheerfully rendered, I was conscious of a sad lack in my inner life, and more and more I became con­vinced that human effort along the line of faithful activity, or believing and teaching a system of truth, utterly failed in supplying my real need.

The illumination of the Holy Spirit attended the close self-examination, and caused me to see wherein I had failed. I came to realize in a very clear manner that while I had learned the doctrines of Christ, I had not learned to know Christ. In other words, I had failed to give due heed to making the vital contact with the Per­son who alone could save me from sin and sinning. I also realized that I had not always stood in the full counsel of God by presenting His word, and up­lifting the Christ, who only could res­cue and save the dear people for whom I was so earnestly laboring.

As there opened before me a new view of the beauty and holiness of the character of Christ and the purpose of His mission to earth, and as I experi­enced the sweetness of His wonderful love for me personally, I became pro­foundly moved with a sense of my own selfish pride, sin, and unworthiness of such great love. I realized as never before that the Son of God died for my sin, and that only in keeping this fact ever before me in all its meaning could I have salvation for myself or preach the gospel of true liberty to others.

How thankful I am for that day of spiritual awakening. The blessed Lord and His glorious personality grows more real and precious each day. He answers my every need and heart's desire. He is worthy of my warmest affection and deepest love. As I fel­lowship with Him there is transposed into actuality in my life the holy joys of His own experience. For all this His name is to be praised and forever honored. There is a new delight in the preaching of the message in con­formity to the instruction which has been given, that we are " not to make less prominent the special truths that have separated us from the world " (" Testimonies to Ministers," p. 470), but also that we are to bring nothing into our preaching to " supplement Christ, the wisdom and power of God." "Gospel Workers," p. 160.

Gen. Conf. Field Secretary

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Gen. Conf. Field Secretary

April 1929

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