The past year and nine months in the way of righteousness has been sweeter and more precious to me than all the other thirty-four years of my experience in the message. In this year and nine months I have experienced the working of a Power within my heart, which has accomplished things for me which that same Power — the Holy Spirit — never did, nor ever could, accomplish when kept largely outside my heart. It is the same Power known before, but now He accomplishes things in a different way, because of my different relationship. I cannot explain it, but I praise God I can experience and enjoy it. Sins that were making me a slave, in hopeless bondage, have yielded to that divine Personality that now abides in my life. As soon as I am through asking Christ — through the agency of His Holy Spirit — to accomplish certain things for me, I at once thank Him for having accomplished them. Through the exercise of simple faith, which is the " title deed " to the accomplished work, the thing is actually done. I find the positive religion of Christ my Lord so much more satisfactory than the negative religion which I lived so long.
A Pastor.