The Personality Question

What is your opinion of those books and courses of study, offered ministers and other public speakers, on develop­ment of personality, personal magnet­ism, and self-expression, so strongly urged by worldly concerns?

L.E.F. is editor of the Ministry.

What is your opinion of those books and courses of study, offered ministers and other public speakers, on develop­ment of personality, personal magnet­ism, and self-expression, so strongly urged by worldly concerns?

Unquestionably there are points of merit in many of them, and for the non-Christian, destitute of the Chris­tian Dynamic,— the Holy Spirit,— they are highly helpful. But the true Chris­tian lives on a different plane, operates from a different platform and with a different motive power and objective. The contrasting principles involved are basic, not narrow nor technical. They present a clash of ideals centering about the issue of personality which we do well to ponder, and over which there should be no confusion.

The fundamental difference between the Christian concept and the worldly concept of personality lies in the con­trasting emphasis on self. In the world, the ego, the latent powers of the human element, the magnetic per­sonality of self, is supreme, Christ hav­ing no place; while in Christianity, there is vivid contrast. Self is sub­merged and Christ is exalted. Person­ality is not crushed, but it is no longer I, but Christ. In place of seeking con­trol over other minds, emphasis falls on bringing all minds under the con­trol of Christ. Instead of personal am­bition, pride, or self-confidence being the animus, love for Christ and faith In God become the dominating forces impelling forward in achievement. He becomes the magnetic force. Strong characters are thus perfected, with persuasive leadership as the natural outgrowth. The Christian life is not a will-less life, but involves a surren­dered will, which in turn leads to the greatest exploits in human annals.

So the Christian's viewpoint and op­erative basis is fundamentally opposite and antagonistic to that of the world. One is based on the human self; the other on the divine Christ. One is our own personal magnetism; the other the magnetism of the Man of the cross. One is founded on psychology and autosuggestion; the other on intelli­gent co-operation with the Holy Spirit. One leads to the exaltation of man; the other to that of his Saviour. One is the world's substitute for God's ideal; the other is that ideal manifest in life.

Jesus Christ, our divine example, lived precisely such a life of utter de­pendence. Yet He was the greatest personality the world will ever know. We are safe when we follow His steps. Let us beware of confusion here. For these reasons we cannot become en­thusiastic over these " personality " books and courses for preachers. Rather, let us study God's Book, His message, His power. And especially in the spirit of prophecy are the needs of the minister adequately presented.

L. E. F.

L.E.F. is editor of the Ministry.

June 1929

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