Opening Doors for the Bible Worker

Medical missionary work as an entering wedge for the presentation of the message.

By Esther Bergman, R.N.

Medical missionary work, we know, is designed by God to serve as the en­tering wedge in the presentation of the third angel's message in all its comprehensive bearing. It has been the privilege of the nurses of the Washington Sanitarium to co-operate with the students of the theological department of the Washington Mis­sionary College in conducting evangel­istic efforts in the city of Washington and its suburbs, our part of the pro­gram being to give brief health talks, accompanied by suitable demonstra­tions, in connection with the evangel­istic services, and to organize and carry on home nursing classes and a school of cookery. In all our endeavor we have ever kept in mind the soul-winning agency of the medical work, and its purpose in opening the way for sermon, Bible study, and literature.

The results have been very encour­aging. Each week we have been wel­comed into eighty homes, where we have distributed Present Truth and given instruction in the principles of healthful living. In a number of in­stances this has led to definite appoint­ments for Bible studies by the Bible worker, and it is very gratifying to those who have become deeply inter­ested through the teaching of health principles, to find that a regular Bible worker is provided, who will stay by them and teach- them the truths in the word of God.

At the time of organizing a home nursing class in one of our churches, the church members visited their neighbors and invited them to attend. The result was that four persons who were not Seventh-day Adventists, at­tended the home nursing class and received the certificate. Near the close of the class, we visited these persons in their homes, and endeavored to lead them into further study of true prin­ciples of Christian life, and we found them in a very receptive attitude. One lady told us that she had not been satisfied with what she had found in the churches, and was searching for truth. She had purchased a number of our books, such as " Bible Read­ings," " Steps to Christ," and " Patri­archs and Prophets," and said she con­sidered them the most wonderful books she had ever read. She prom­ised that she would attend our Sab­bath school and bring her little girl.

In another home the lady confessed that she had not given time to spirit­ual things, but had resolved to devote some time each day to prayer and Bible study. This woman is attending our weekly prayer meeting regularly.

In the third home the husband and wife both had been members of the class, and said that the regular class night had meant so much to them in real pleasure that they did not like to remain at home, and when the class closed they decided to attend the weekly prayer meeting instead.

In each of these homes, Bible studies are now conducted, attended by the keenest interest and most hopeful prospects for establishing in the whole truth those whose confidence and friendship were won through uphold­ing the wonderful principles which God has intrusted to His people for health and happiness in this life and preparation for the life to come.

We thank God that He permits us as nurses to have a large part in the opening-door movement, and to estab­lish eager and cordial reception for the divinely called and appointed Bible worker.

Washington Sanitarium.

By Esther Bergman, R.N.

July 1929

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