In Times of Crisis

A report from the Far Eastern Division.

By K. H. Wood

The experience of the past three years in the Kiangsu Mission [Far Eastern Division] has proved the work of the women's Bible work department to be of unique value. For a time al­most all other departments were seri­ously affected by political and revolu­tionary disturbances, while during this same period our Bible women were able to continue their work in much the same manner as hitherto. During crises when our evangelists were under surveillance and unable to conduct pub­lic meetings, our Bible women could gain entrance to homes and study with the people, telling them of the meaning of events taking place. Well-trained women Bible workers are able to reach a class of people and do a work that other workers cannot reach, and thus help effectively.

Shanghai, China. 

By K. H. Wood

November 1929

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The Right to Investigation

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Around the World Circle

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Krossing the Line of Decision

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