My Greatest Blessing

A personal testimony.

A College Bible Teacher

I relieve that the greatest single blessing that God has bestowed upon me has come in connection with teach­ing the life of Jesus in the college. Ever since I gave my heart to God I have had a very deep interest in this unparalleled life, and have recognized that the greatest revelation of God that has been given to men is through the life of Christ. I have therefore been impressed that I should lay greater emphasis on understanding His life, and preaching His life in the light of our message, than on any other part of the Bible. Three times in my college classes I have surveyed that matchless life, and each time I have sought in a very special way to get a more perfect insight into its inner meaning.

In connection with the study of the Gospels I have used " The Desire of Ages," and books by other authors, and in class work we have gone step by step over the events of His life. As we came to the closing scenes, cen­tering around the cross, we felt that we were treading on holy ground, and personally I prayed that God would cleanse me once again, and enable me to experience a new loyalty to Him. I have caught a clearer vision of the character of Jesus as it is por­trayed in the beauty of holiness. He does not appear as unapproachable, but as a divine-human Saviour, and under the rays of His matchless love I am overwhelmed with a sense of my own utter unworthiness. Jesus means more to me than ever before. The greatest blessing that can come to any minister is found in the study of the life of Jesus in the light of our times, accompanied by a willingness to surrender to the control of the per­sonal indwelling Christ.

A College Bible Teacher.

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A College Bible Teacher

November 1929

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