The Campaign for Calendar Reform
An Unusual Opportunity to Proclaim the Sabbath
By W.W. Prescott
By W.W. Prescott
July 1930
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Editorial Keynotes
Reflections on righteousness by faith.
Forward and Upward
Articles for inspiration, counsel, and caution.
A Confession of Scientific Faith
The position of Seventh-day Adventists as to materialism, geology, and evolution should be clearly defined and uniformly understood. It may be well to enumerate the articles of scientific faith upon which we as a denomination stand.
John 3: 5
The translation of John 3:5.
"Take Heed Unto Yourselves"
As preachers, we are admonished to take heed unto ourselves, to make sure that we are saved from sin and are recipients of the full provisions of the gospel which we proclaim to sinners.
An Eventful Six Months
From ministerial interns.
Ministerial Institutes in South America (Concluded)
A report from South America.
The Messenger and the Message
Voice defects may be overcome, voice modulations thoroughly mastered, and voice interpretation skillfully rendered, and yet if there is lacking preparation of heart and mastery of self, there exists only a messenger without a message.
How to Meet a Controverted Point of Doctrine
From the Spirit of Prophecy.
Bible Workers Exchange
Advice from various Bible workers.
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