On the Threshold of 1931




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On the Threshold of 1931


As we step over into another year of ous thought to the facts of our wo over the past year assures us that prof satisfactory has been accomplished. Bu Rather it is of the features of the worl, and effort during the new year.

More than ever I am convinced thal God. We are in the work for no othe for our existence as a people or for aq well, then, to assure ourselves that OF undertaking?

The fact that with more men, more we are not now as fruitful in soul-winn Perhaps we have not understood this c] been counting heads and comparing gi and resting, assured by the comparative ure success is not to be relied upon. I that, notwithstanding the fact that we more effectively organized for service, facilities, we yet are less fruitful in si deed, per capita of workers, than we that we must do our utmost to increE vidual workers, and the efficiency of eacl

There is a very real sense of disapp people who understand the comparative do, and more and more is the convictiof fruitful if its leadership were more spir A more spiritual ministry of the word al firmly believe, give us not only a greal a more devoted church membership.

It is possible that much that perp] now, and which we have vainly tried t, eliminated were we but to labor with E It is not new or better plans that con are needed, but rather a spiritual work and only spiritual forces can enable us all spiritual.

At such a time as this we must plat( with unusual care. All expenditures & to income. Money should not be spent of worthwhile. All expenditures of only and every proper economy effected in I done, shall we not remember that by a service, it might be helpful to give seri­rk as they confront us. A glance back ;Tess has been made, and much that is t it is not of these that I wish to write. that should have our special attention our prime business is to win souls to r purpose. There is no other warrant 4 r service as workers. Would it not be is the direct objective of our every

money, and more and better facilities Ling as we once were, should startle us. !early. It may be that we have merely 'and totals with previous grand totals, a result. But this as a means to mess­Piguring on a percentage basis, we find gyre now better equipped for success and and operating with greatly increased oul-winning per church member or, in­vere in former years. It goes to show ise our soul-winning efficiency as indi­L factor and facility under our direction. ointment in the hearts of those of our fruitlessness of some of the things we growing that the work would be more itual and its operation less mechanical. id of the operation of the work would, I :ly increased, but a more spiritual and

4 exes and distresses and even terrifies a change and adjust, would be entirely spiritual power in our day-to-day work. template changes and adjustment that 4 done well. God's work is all spiritual, to reach its true objectives, which are

i for the financial features of our work Liould be made to bear proper relation 3. plans and projects that are not clearly speculative value should be eliminated, Iperating. But after all this has been more earnest devotion of our own lives

in page 31)