A Change in Association Leadership

Elder Evans Succeeds Elder Daniells

By C.H. Watson

By A.G. Daniels

By I. H. Evans

Elder Evans Succeeds Elder Daniells

By C.H. Watson

A few months ago the College of Medical Evangelists lodged a very earnest request that the services of Elder A. G. Daniells, as chairman of the college board, be granted to the college, the desire of the brethren leading out in that important institu­tion being that the active help and counsel of Elder Daniells, serving in the capacity of chairman of the medi­cal college board, be constantly avail­able to the college faculty and student body.

Some seven years ago, Elder Daniells was given the responsibility of organ­izing and making effective the as­sociation of our ministerial forces. Through these years he has labored successfully as secretary of the Min­isterial Association, and has seen its effectiveness extended to every divi­sion of the world. It is well indeed to have passed the initial and experi­mental stages of development of this ministerial organization under such experienced leadership, and now, when change of leadership has become neces­sary by this call of Elder Daniells to new duties, it is satisfactory to find the association well established in the confidence of our workers and destined to be an increasingly vital force for encouraging the spiritual life and evangelistic success of our ministry.

The resignation of Elder Daniells as secretary of the association, was tendered and accepted at the recent Spring Council of the General Confer­ence Committee. A little later in the proceedings of the Council, Elder I. H. Evans, one of the general vice-presi­dents of the General Conference, and leader of our work in the Orient for sixteen years, was elected to succeed Elder Daniells as general secretary of the Ministerial Association. Elder Evans will, of course, continue as gen­eral vice-president.

We bid Elder Daniells godspeed in his new work, being assured that those principles for which he has so ear­nestly labored as secretary of the as­sociation, will live and grow. We welcome Elder Evans to his new re­sponsibilities, and pray that the rich blessings of the Lord may be upon his leadership of the association, as they have been upon the work of Elder Daniells. We rejoice that one so well fitted to accept this responsibility has been called to this place of important leadership, and we bespeak for Brother Evans the earnest co-operation and ready support of our ministers in all lands.

May the Lord greatly bless Brother Daniells in the very important posi­tion to which he now has been called, and also be richly with Elder Evans and his associate workers in the lead­ership of the Ministerial Association.

Welcome to Elder Evans

By A.G. Daniels

Theacceptance of my resignation as secretary of the Ministerial Asso­ciation, and the appointment of Elder I. H. Evans to fill the vacancy, makes it seem appropriate to take this oppor­tunity to inform the readers of the Ministry, and all members of the Ministerial Association, of the pleas­ure it gives me to turn the association leadership over to Elder Evans.

For many years Elder Evans has been well acquainted with the needs of the Lord's work in both homeland and foreign field, and he has a very wide and many-sided experience in leadership. During the thirty years of my acquaintance and association with him in our denominational work, he has shown a keen interest in our ministry; and now that he is asked to give this important phase of our great movement his special attention, I am confident that most encouraging re­sults will follow his assumption of the responsibility.

In severing my direct connection with the leadership of the association, I wish to express to all the members how much I have appreciated the priv­ilege of working for the development of the principles for which the associa­tion stands, and how sincerely I have appreciated the co-operation which you have given me. While devoting my energies to a, somewhat different angle of our great work, I shall not cease either my interest or my efforts in behalf of the welfare and improve­ment of my fellow workers in the ministry. I most sincerely desire, and shall expect to see, great success at­tend the continued efforts for greater efficiency.

Best Wishes to Elder Daniells

By I. H. Evans

The members of the Ministerial Association and all readers of the Ministry will deeply regret to learn that, owing to other duties having been assigned to him, Elder Daniells has felt compelled to resign as general secretary of the association.

Elder Daniells was the organizer and promoter of the Ministerial Asso­ciation. It was during his leadership that this magazine, the MINISTRY, was started. Throughout the time of his secretaryship he has tried to uplift the ministry, by encouraging study, prayer, and zeal. All who have fol­lowed closely the suggestions made by the association, and have kept faith with the association by pursuing the assigned reading courses, can hardly have failed to grow in efficiency. Even in heathen lands the influence of the association has proved a marked stimulus to study, - self-improvement, and a higher, fuller service on the part of the native working force.

For a much longer time than during the short history of the association, Elder Daniells has stood for the objec­tives of the Ministerial Association. As president of the General Confer­ence for twenty years, he carried a great burden for a stronger, more effi­cient, and consecrated ministry.

Those who have been most closely associated with Elder Daniells, com­prising the headquarters staff, deeply regret his call to other work. Prob­ably no successor can hope to equal Brother Daniells in far-seeing vision concerning the needs of our working force, or in practical efficiency in sup­plying these needs. His separation from the association is a positive loss to all. The best wishes and prayers of all members of this association go with Elder Daniells as he takes up his new work.

By C.H. Watson

By A.G. Daniels

By I. H. Evans

June 1931

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