Deportment and Dress of Ministers
The minister's dress at all times should be in keeping with his holy profession.
Trite Expressions
It is so easy to fall into the habit of using pet expressions, which soon become trite. Yours may not be among those listed here; but watch for your own, and try to find new ways to express old thoughts.
Our Responsibility Toward World Leaders
May I present briefly to the brethren in the ministry a matter concerning world leaders that has been resting heavily on my mind and heart for some time?
The Blue Print of Truth
To carry forward and maintain at full efficiency the work of God on earth, demands whole-hearted consecration, sympathetic service, earnest prayers, liberal giving, and unstinted service.
A Growing Ministry
In all worldly professions, growth is not only essential but imperative. The same ought to be true of the ministry.
Favoring Aspects of Depression
It is high time for us to reap large results where the faithful colporteurs have sold our large books. Now is our opportunity to go, with the spirit and the power of our Saviour, into the byways and hedges, and compel the people to come in.
An Appeal for a Bible Evangelism
Every progressive evangelist, desirous of enlarging his usefulness and increasing his efficiency, is constantly seeking new ways and means to draw people to his meetings.
Newspaper Publicity
In these days when every wind of doctrine is blowing and there are constantly increasing allurements and attractions to lead men and women away from God, it becomes essential that for success in evangelism there must be understood and properly applied the up-to-date methods which attract the attention of the public.