Solace to My Soul

Peace in the midst of uncertainty.

A College Bible Teacher

We have come upon strange times. They are strange in the sense of uncommon, but not unexpected; for we have believed and preached that such conditions would obtain in these last days; yet they slipped upon us before we were fully aware of their arrival. Our hope lies in our faith that God is leading, and will lead us up and out.

But as I wrestle day by day with my problems, a mingling of emotions, con­victions, observations, impressions, an­ticipations, expectations, realities, un­certainties, hopes, and longings mold themselves into what sometimes be­come strange inward experiences. I see the evidences of the approaching end in fulfillment of Scripture proph­ecy standing out in bold relief. I see the world rushing on in wild parox­ysms after its elusive, enticing, tanta­lizing gods of pleasure or gold or power. The picture presents a world gone mad, with crime and iniquity of every type filling in to make up the somber colors of the ghastly scene.

It is not as if I were pillowed on a luxurious overstuffed divan, sur­rounded by every token of wealth and comfort, gazing at the creation of a famous artist hanging upon the wall. No! It is as if the frightening reality were all about me, with men like in­furiated beasts rushing upon me, push­ing, jamming, striking, kicking, tram­pling, with no thought or care for what they do or the injuries they in­flict, while I struggle in the mud and slime of the situation to get out of the way of certain death, and cry to God for a way of escape.

In the midst of all this confusion, there comes a solace to my soul. From the mountain side sounds a Voice roll­ing down through twenty centuries with words that lie upon my heart like a loving parental caress upon the brow of a troubled child: "Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment? ... (For after all these things do the Gentiles [the people of the world] seek: ) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."

A College Bible Teacher

A College Bible Teacher

November 1931

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