Trite Expressions

It is so easy to fall into the habit of using pet expressions, which soon become trite. Yours may not be among those listed here; but watch for your own, and try to find new ways to express old thoughts.

By Charles D. Utt

Trite Expressions

It is so easy to fall into the habit of using pet expressions, which soon become trite. Yours may not be among those listed here; but watch for your own, and try to find new ways to express old thoughts.

Hackneyed expressions are for lazy people. Such word combinations take the place of thinking, and reveal a mind that does not like to be stirred out of its accustomed groove. There is danger, too, of giving the impres­sion of insincerity. Readers and hear­ers can usually detect whether there is thought behind the words, or whether the words have become automatic by repetition. An audience soon learns a speaker's favorite phraseology, and sometimes is amused by it to the extent of missing the thought of what he is saying.

I have in mind such expressions as these: "Six precious souls were led by the writer down into the watery grave," or "were buried with their Lord in baptism." More impressive, because economical and direct, "The writer baptized six persons," or "Six persons were baptized."

"Enshrine in the memory," "the stream of time," "bides her time," "I dare say," "almighty dollar," "along this line," "along scholastic (or any other) lines," "each and every one," "Sister — will now favor us with a selection," "Brother — has kindly consented to speak to us," "mass of humanity," "doomed to disappoint­ment," "last sad rites," "it goes with­out saying," are well-known phrases. The pet expression may be only a single word, used in season and out of season, such as "perchance" or "me­thinks." Used to the point of becom­ing conspicuous, all such forms of speech mar the discourse, and lessen its effectiveness. Some of these phrases may have shone with orig­inality and freshness when first coined; but like coins worn smooth with long handling, they ought to be reminted.

South, Lancaster, Mass.

By Charles D. Utt

November 1931

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