Gathering the Fragments
Is it becoming for an ambassador from the court of heaven so to conduct himself socially and in the pulpit that he excites sympathy for himself rather than toward the kingdom that he is supposed to represent?
Maintaining Confidence in a Fear-Distracted World
Just now, when the world is filled with fear, it is highly important that our workers everywhere—in the home, in the church, and among unbelievers—possess and maintain a positive, courageous attitude.
My Experience With the Writings of Mrs. E. G. White
I was at one of the first General Conferences that I ever attended, in the early eighties, that I became deeply interested in the writings of Mrs. E. G. White.
Avoid Being a Hobbyist
A hobbyist is almost always an extremist, and is liable to regard his own special work as the cure for all evils.
Step by Step Through a Series of Meetings
How to go about the process of holding a series of meetings.
Operative Principles in Evangelism
Recently we concluded a series of meetings which continued for three months, seven nights in the week, without a break.
Safeguarding Confidences
It is well for the physician to deliver public addresses, making plain certain general principles that have to do with health.
Newspaper Publicity
Seventh-Day Adventists have a message which, interpreted in the light of current events, makes real news. The world is asking, "What do these things mean?" "What does the future promise us?"