Newspaper Publicity

Seventh-Day Adventists have a message which, interpreted in the light of current events, makes real news. The world is asking, "What do these things mean?" "What does the future promise us?"

By W.E. Lanier

Seventh-Day Adventists have  a message which, interpreted in the light of current events, makes real news. The world is asking, "What do these things mean?" "What does the future promise us?" We have God's answer; and when it is rightly given, the news columns are open to us, and through them we can reach the public. But we must avoid being too dogmatic in our declarations, even though we are correct. Such topics as "Modernism," "hell," et cetera, are live issues, and may be written of freely if the writer remembers that editors prefer constructive work ra­ther than destructive.

Rightly used, the newspaper may become a profitable agency for the spread of God's last-day message to the world. However, it must be re­membered that the chief function of the newspaper is to disseminate news, not religious propaganda. Therefore in reporting our sermons for the news columns, we must make them newsy.

It is an advantage to become per­sonally acquainted with both general and city editors, and, in fact, with as many of the staff as possible. As a rule we find editors liberal-minded; and unless we are too drastic in our positions, they will publish our ser­mons. If we are expecting to be in a place for some time, it is well to build up a reputation by preaching and re­porting several sermons on general topics. Once established, we will be given much more freedom.

The following suggestions regarding the make-up of reports for publication will be helpful:

When going to a city for the first time, study the style of the papers, especially with reference to religious news, including manner of expression, phraseology, et cetera; then adopt that style. Our reports should be clearly written, from the newspaper point of view, rather than from that of the preacher. Remember that in report­ing a sermon, we represent the paper. As a rule we should make our reports short and crisp, though there are ex­ceptions. Avoid Scripture references, giving the thought in your own words. Anything other than the sermon text is likely to be cut out. In fact, we need not give that.

"The Open Forum," or the column given for public expression, is an ex­cellent place to present the message in detail. In this column, Scriptural references, quotations, et cetera, can be given. I usually watch for some provocation to write for this column. In one city I waited more than a year for a provocation to write on the ques­tion of the Sabbath. But it came.

When we enter "The Open Forum," we need to be sure we can defend our position, because we may meet bitter and skilled opposition. Per­sonal attacks may be hurled at us; but if we keep sweet, and stick to the positive, we are safe. It is well to know when to stop an argument.

In my personal experience, I have found the newspaper an excellent means of bringing our work before the public. Properly used, it helps break down prejudice. Perhaps but few ever accept the truth as a direct result of newspaper publicity; never­theless it helps wonderfully.

I have paid for some advertising, but usually get most of it free. As a matter of reciprocity, I occasionally pay for an ad., though I expect little except friendliness as the result. The greater results come from the news columns. Of course, if we advertise on a large scale, that is different.

Wilmington, N. C.

By W.E. Lanier

May 1932

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