The more I study the Spirit of prophecy, the more I am convinced that health reform is to play a fundamental part in the giving of the last saving message to the world. The approval of Heaven rests upon the presentation of health principles and reform with other phases of the message. In our evangelistic effort in Wichita, we were especially fortunate in having help from the Wichita Sanitarium. Dr. R. J. Brines, now in China, who is a good speaker and able to present the gospel of health in a tactful way, gave the health lectures. When a physician of this type is available, I am glad to turn over this phase of the work to him.
One reason we as ministers do not present health reform more frequently than we do is because we are not trained as doctors or nurses. True, it does take considerable study to present the health message acceptably; but it is possible for ministers to get hold of these principles just as they become familiar with other features of the message.
Naturally the question will arise, "Can we become so familiar with these principles that we can make the subject really appeal to outside doctors or nurses who may be in the audience?" At Wichita we had several such doctors and nurses attending our meetings, and they seemed to appreciate the instruction given. Thursday night was "health night." People understood this, and came for the purpose of hearing those subjects, but soon we found them coming to the other meetings.
On Wednesday afternoons we conducted a cooking class, having a room fitted up in the tabernacle, with doors opening into the auditorium, so the room could be closed at other times during the week. Here we had a well-equipped kitchen, completely furnished by one of the large furniture stores in the city. Food and other required materials were given free for these health lectures and cooking classes. The merchants were willing to co-operate with us, and through this means we made contact with business men whom we could have reached in no other way.
Wonderful instruction has been given to us in regard to healthful living; and now, when the public interest is so keen on everything relating to the preservation of health, we ought to capitalize our opportunity to reach the hearts of the people through this means, and to interest multitudes in other saving truths for this time.
A converted Japanese artist said to a missionary: "I suppose the reason why English artists put so much perspective in their drawings is because Christianity has given them a future; and the reason why Oriental artists fail to do so is because Buddha and Confucius do not raise their eyes above the present."—F. E. Marsh
Wichita, Sans.