Enduring as Seeing the Invisible
The eleventh chapter of Hebrews is one of the most wonderful compositions in all literature, and we would do well to read it repeatedly, and meditate often upon the experiences it records.
The Sure Foundation
We are passing through a crisis in our history as a movement. And as we are pressed on every side, we ought to ask ourselves, What is God's plan for His work, and for us today?
Meet Depression by Aggression
Those who heard Elder W. A. Spicer's concluding sermon at the 1930 General Conference session, will recall how he suggested that our faith had sustained us while the tithes came rolling in, mission lines advanced, and converts were added by thousands. "But what," he asked, "will be the reaction of our people, and what their experience, should the resources dwindle, and our missionaries begin to return home to stay? Will their faith sustain them then?"
Interest in Absent Members
"This program of individual attention, together with an aggressive evangelistic effort, has doubled the Sabbath attendance, and rejuvenated the former nucleus of membership."
Ten Essentials in Working the Cities
The cities of the world are the strategic centers of civilization as we know it today; they are its nerve and storm centers; and they are the battle ground where the principles of the third angel's message must oppose in, deadly conflict the hoary systems of man-made creeds.
Methods in Rural Evangelism
The big problem in the country is not how to make contacts or find openings for meetings or studies, but how to find time to hold all the meetings and give all the studies asked for.