Press Together

This spirit of unity, of whole-hearted co-operation, that established the ancient kingdom of Israel, is to be the spirit of the men and women who are engaged in the greatest spiritual warfare of these last days.

By Frederick Griggs

Two of the chief characteristics mentioned in the twelfth chapter of First Chronicles are the perfect heart and the spirit of unity of all who came to make David king. They were men who knew how to "keep rank." And in order to "keep rank," they had to accommodate their steps in accord with those of their compatriots. They recognized the necessity of yielding their opinions to the leader and to the majority in counsel. Among them were men who had understanding of the times, and who knew what Israel ought to do. They were skillful, strong in the tactics of warfare. They were independent thinkers, and ready to fight for their views. But they recognized that they would continue to be disorganized, warring tribesmen unless they united, pressed together, and yielded individual views for the common good of the whole.

This spirit of unity, of whole-hearted co-operation, that established the ancient kingdom of Israel, is to be the spirit of the men and women who are engaged in the greatest spiritual warfare of these last days. "Press together! Press together!" is one of the great injunctions given us in the Spirit of prophecy. But men cannot press together unless they are considerate of the views of their Christian compatriots. We are to be very free in expressing our individual views of matters under consideration; but when the majority of our fellow workers believe differently than we, and action is taken that accords with their views, then if we are to "keep rank" with them, we must throw ourselves whole-heartedly into the work called for by the actions taken in council. Sometimes committees in council do err; but the only safe, progressive way is for us to abide by their decisions until a better way is found. "Press together!"

Manila, Philippine Islands. 

By Frederick Griggs

December 1932

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