Evangelism for Non-Adventist Youth

In our evangelistic efforts we should not forget the youth not of our faith

By M.C. Garrett

In our evangelistic efforts we should not forget the youth not of our faith. It is largely during this age that character is formed. It is usually in the teens when decisions are made that determine the destiny of the soul. Therefore in our preaching we should find time to preach to, associate with, and help young people to make right and lasting decisions.

For the last two years I have focused a good portion of my time upon the young people. Before our public effort begins, we plan to visit in the neighborhood where the meetings are to be held, especially inviting the young people to come and assist in the singing. When the young people come, they are usually accompanied by the older people, and thus we have a
good attendance. Where we do not have a church, we plan to organize a choir composed largely of young people, soon after the series has begun. We have a double objective in mind. First, it improves our musical program; and second, by letting them feel that they are a part of the service, they attend more regularly, and thereby hear the greater portion of the message. By following this program, our soul-winning possibilities are increased.

After I have preached for a few weeks, I announce one night in the week as "Young People's Night," and preach especially to them, choosing such subjects as "Purpose," "Perseverance," "Character Building," etc. This is a feature that adds to the success of the meeting. That which interests the youth is usually interesting to the parents, and many times our attendance on that night is larger than on other nights.

In preaching to young people we should also remember that they are social beings, and that we too must be social, in the proper sense, to influence and to save. For the last two years we have had at least one social gathering at our home in connection with the effort, and it has meant much to the success of our work. Please do not recklessly jump to the conclusion that this is a mistake until you have tried it. In planning for and carrying out this program we strictly follow the counsel of the General Conference Missionary Volunteer Department and adhere closely to the suggestions in, the booklet, "Social Plans for Missionary Volunteers."

In our last three efforts more than half our converts have been under twenty-five years of age, and many in their teens. At this writing we are closing an effort in a community where previous to the meetings we had no members. We now have a church, Sabbath school, and Missionary Volunteer organization. Of course we want to win the hoary-headed to this message, but why not spend more time and energy in winning young people who will dedicate the vigor of youth to the proclaiming of this glorious truth? We surely owe it to them.

Lawrenceburg, Ky.

By M.C. Garrett

January 1933

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