Our Great Need as a Ministry

Strong ministry means a strong church and a triumphant movement; a weak ministry can mean none other than a weak church and a half-paralyzed movement. We must resolutely set our faces, then, to build up a spiritual, intellectual, progressive, efficient ministry.

By A.G. Daniells

Strong ministry means a strong church and a triumphant movement; a weak ministry can mean none other than a weak church and a half-paralyzed movement. We must resolutely set our faces, then, to build up a spiritual, intellectual, progressive, efficient ministry. Doubtless the most vital demand upon our denomination today is to build up its ministry in spirituality, earnestness, and efficiency. Think of the part or relation the ministry sustains to the church.

Paul tells us that the church is "built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief corner stone."

Christ has always been the great head of His church. He chose patriarchs at the beginning to represent Him among men. Then came the prophets. These were in turn succeeded by the apostles. And now in the finishing of His mighty gospel movement covering six thousand years, the ministers of His remnant church are His representatives—the successors of patriarchs, prophets, and apostles. What a high calling! What a tremendous responsibility J. And what sane, painstaking, tireless efforts are demanded of our leaders to lift our ministry to the place of efficiency and power commensurate with our responsibility!

Los Angeles, Calif.

By A.G. Daniells

January 1933

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A Call to Holiness of Life

The recent Autumn Council passed many recommendations for an advance move among our people and workers, especially appealing for a call to a new consecration.

The Summons to Concerted Evangelism

Let Christians put away all dissension, and give themselves to God for the saving of the lost.

Double Sessions to Accommodate Crowds

I believe that we are entering upon a time when in many cases we shall need to hold double sessions in our evangelistic services in order that all the interested may have opportunity to hear God's great message for this hour.

Working Program of a Smaller Effort

Operating as we do in hitherto unworked territory that is largely Catholic, we advertise our meetings under the name of "Bible Chautauqua."

Evangelism for Non-Adventist Youth

In our evangelistic efforts we should not forget the youth not of our faith

Spiritual Work Among the Churches

There is a material as well as a spiritual side to our church work, which cannot be neglected without loss.

Welfare Cafeterias and Evangelism

Does this welfare work save souls?

Flippant Use of "Amen"

It is a rather common thing to hear our older ministers lament the passing of hearty "Amens" during the preaching of the word. But more and more we are hearing protests over the careless, yes, almost flippant, way in which certain of our workers as well as members are coming to use this revered word.

How Many Texts?

How many texts should you use in a bible study?

Why Jews Do Not Include Daniel Among the Prophets

Thus by a gradual process the writings of the prophet Daniel were almost entirely eliminated from their curriculum, yet the Jewish leaders felt they must not cast aside this holy book, since it was written by a man they had been taught was a man of God.

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