First Establish Confidence

It is essential, in giving Bible studies, first of all to secure the confidence of our readers, and to cause them to feel that our heart is fully in our work.

By Mrs. G.E. Wales

It is essential, in giving Bible studies, first of all to secure the confidence of our readers, and to cause them to feel that our heart is fully in our work. Our faith in our message should be such that they cannot but see that our whole soul is in it. But to inspire such confidence we must always respect their opin­ions. Unfortunately, some workers, even in­cluding some of those older and more experi­enced, will challenge some position of the reader in an argumentative way, thus causing tire-reader, to-feel-cm iabse

We should always respect conscientious con­victions. This is part of the golden rule. Peo­ple may be as sincere in error as in truth, yet we must win them. We are not to drive them. We must therefore use kindness and persua­sion. This is a fundamental point of procedure. I am rather positive myself, and realize that I can be led much easier than driven. While Jesus died for all, we especially desire and appreciate the person who is positive, as he means so much more to the advancement of the cause when he does come into this truth. But this class of persons cannot be driven. Conse­quently I do not argue with a person, but re­specting his opinion, seek to win his assent.

Washington, D. C.

By Mrs. G.E. Wales

March 1933

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Union Executives and Evangelism

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The Local Conference and Intensive Evangelism

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A Revival of Potent Bible Preaching

Inspiration, counsel, and caution.

The Prophetic Gift

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"The Two Anointed Ones"

The title of this study is found in Zechariah 4:14. This verse is the culmination of a wonderfully encouraging prophecy which God had given to Zerubbabel through his prophet Zechariah.

Successful Approach to Youth

Much study has been given through the years to the matter of successful work for our young people. The personality of the worker and the condition of the youth with whom he has to deal have much to do in determining the method best to be used. However, some general principles are worthy of review.

Sunday Laws and Commercialized Amusement*

I find myself in the very unusual position of being the only pastor in Hyattsville who is on the repeal side of the Sunday law question.

Editorial Keynotes

Spirituality and Standards

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