Let Us Examine Ourselves
Self-Examination is far more profitable to any man than to examine the lives and acts of others. Nevertheless many of us are experienced in sitting in judgment on our fellows, while prone to neglect serious self-examination.
The Personal Touch Imperative
We as leaders must not be content with making fishing tackle or pointing the way to the fishing banks, we must ourselves be actual fishers of men.
One Objective for Every Worker
There is but one mission in this world for Seventh-day Adventists, and that is to save souls.
A Ministerial Forward Movement
This laymen's movement must not only be matched, but surpassed by a forward movement on our part as a ministry.
Safeguarding the Worker's Health
When facing pressures, what can a worker do to preserve his health and energy through a normal life span, or can it be done at all?
Economy in Our Advertising
Many efforts will be conducted this year with less funds than usual for advertising, and many doubtless with no conference subsidy at all. The following suggestions may be helpful to those who have little money to spend and wish to make it go as far as possible.
Holding Steady in the Present Crisis
Through three bitter years of depression the Lord has enabled His servants to hold the lines of His work without a break, but we now seem to have reached the point of supreme test. Everything depends upon the steadiness with which His workers and people shall meet the pressure of the present situation.