The Minister and the Sabbath School

Should not our ministry undertake to see that 100 percent of our church membership are members of the Sabbath school?


We as ministers should ever remember that the Sabbath school means a great deal to our church membership. In the Sabbath school we have the church at study, with the Bible as the textbook. The Holy Spirit indited the Scriptures, and through them God is talking to His people. The Sabbath school is the only capacity in which, in an organized way, the church studies the word of God. In this capac­ity the church sets aside one hour and a quarter weekly for worship and study.

It is also well for us to know, and on occasion to state, that the Sabbath school lessons are prepared with great care. They are worthy of study by us as ministers, however well in­formed. In what better way can workers add to their knowledge of the Scriptures than by careful study of each lesson through the year? The notes could be collected and arranged as a commentary on the Scriptures. In process of time a wide range of topics has been studied, notes have been assembled, and the minister has a whole arsenal of material that is inval­uable for his ministry and preaching.

Generally, if the minister attends the Sab­bath school, so does the available church mem­bership. If he shows an interest in the Sabbath school, his example is an inspiration to every. one who attends. He is the real church leader, a sort of pace setter. What he does is persua­sive because he is a minister. On the other hand, if he shows little interest in the Sabbath school, is it not likely that those who do attend will conclude that the minister regards the Sabbath school as of minor importance?

There may be occasions when the minister has not the strength and physical vigor to at­tend the Sabbath school, and immediately follow this service with a strong sermon; yet he can make his donation and help in many other ways to build up the Sabbath. school. If the minister has strength to serve as teacher in some class, it adds to the interest of the Sabbath school. A minister teaching a regular Sabbath school class is a fine example to all.

If every minister and worker would join in persuading the delinquent church members to join and to attend a Sabbath school regularly, we would soon have a Sabbath school member­ship larger than that of the church.

The Sabbath School Department told the Gen­eral Conference Committee that our Sabbath schools lacked close to 25 per cent of having a full church membership attendance at Sab­bath school. Is this true where you lead? The General Conference is trying to remedy this grave situation, which constitutes a serious menace to our spirituality and growth. Hall would attend the Sabbath school, there would be a great change for the better in a short time. There would be less indifference in at­tending church, less unbelief, less apostasy. If young or old absent themselves from Sabbath school, with no good reason save a lack of de­sire to study the word of God, it means but the lapse of time till they will be drifting from the truth. Is it not possible to make a supreme effort to have every member of the church join a Sabbath school class during the month of. July, 1933?

The isolated can join the family group; the feeble and aged, the individual school. Then the cradle roll brings in the very young, so that the Sabbath school membership should greatly ex­ceed the church membership. Why not con­tinue the effort to get all to attend the Sabbath school till every church member is a Sabbath school member and the whole church is regu­larly studying the word of God?

Should not our ministry undertake to see that 100 percent of our church membership are members of the Sabbath school? The Sabbath school motto is, "Every church member a mem­ber of the Sabbath school." Let us undertake to make it a fact.

Washington, D. C


July 1933

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