The Hour of God's Opportunity

The world is passing through a crisis. What is our duty, then, in such a time as this?


The world is passing through a crisis. This is universally conceded. Every­thing seems to be turned out of its normal course. Government leaders are perplexed, not knowing what to do. Millions are out of work, and tens of thousands face privation, if not indeed starvation. Factories have closed their doors, commercial houses are running be­hind, while many firms have gone bankrupt. Thousands of banks have failed, and business confidence is imperiled. A sort of paralysis has stupefied the world, and the nations seem pow­erless to remedy the situation.

God's people are also passing through a time of crisis. But "man's extremity is God's oppor­tunity." And this is clearly the hour of God's opportunity to reach hearts with this message, to call their attention to the real meaning of the things which are now taking place. Men are more easily reached in times of adversity than in times of prosperity. When people are distressed, their hearts can be more quickly turned away from the uncertain and transitory things of earth to the eternal and enduring riches proffered them. Everywhere souls may be found seeking for something better than this world can offer.

It has been the experience of God's people in all times that under the most forbidding cir­cumstances the victories of the cause are the greatest. And today while commercial houses are running behind and failing to meet their expenses, while business firms have gone bank­rupt, and banks have closed their doors, this movement has made unusual progress, and it is still going forward with increasing impetus. Our appropriations may be cut, our budgets may be curtailed, our salaries may be reduced; but the message must be and will be pro­claimed. God will do a quick work in the earth. His cause is not dependent upon mate­rial things merely, but upon the Spirit of God, which constitutes its power, and upon the win­ning of souls, which is its work. In speaking of what the followers of Christ should do, Mrs. E. G. White has said:

"Though apparent impossibilities obstruct their way, by His grace they are to go forward. Instead of deploring difficulties, they are called upon to surmount them. They are to despair of nothing, and to hope for everything. With the golden chain of His matchless love, Christ had bound them to the throne of God. It is His purpose that the highest influence in the uni­verse, emanating from the Source of all power, shall be theirs. They are to have power to re­sist evil, power that neither earth, nor death, nor hell can master, power that will enable them to overcome as Christ overcame."—"Gos­pel Workers," p. 39.

What is our duty, then, in such a time as this? Unmistakably it is to grasp the oppor­tunities which Providence presents for winning souls for the kingdom of God. We should now "gather warmth from the coldness of others" and courage from the discouraging conditions in the world, knowing full well that this is the supreme hour of God's opportunity and man's expectation.

Buenos Aires, South America.


October 1933

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