Let Them Not be Ashamed for My Sake
Here is a lesson worthy of thoughtful consideration by everyone who bears the name of Christ,—that his daily life, not for his own sake alone, but on account of all who love the Lord, shall be such that none who seek God will be put to shame by anything that he may do. This means that the Christian must guard everything that he says and does.
Our Advance Conditioned on Love
God's ambassador is a lover of humanity. All men appeal to him. While he takes naturally to some people more than to others, yet the servant of Christ does not love any one the less because certain others are of a more kindred spirit.
The Minister and the Youth Problem
The youth problem of the church will be to a large degree answered when we as ministers discharge our full duty toward our young people.
Let Us Use the Newspapers
When Jesus said to His disciples, "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations," He intended that they should teach by every means at their command,—by voice and by pen, on the platform and over the radio, in the magazines and in the newspapers,—as opportunity affords.
High Pressure Delivery
Surely it is unwise for us to adopt extreme ways of presenting the truth at any time. It is a mistaken idea that loudness gives strength, or that a frenzied, hurried presentation proves more effective.
Sound Preaching Principles
Painstaking consideration should be given to our manner of presenting God's truth, that we may secure maximum results in connection with our evangelistic efforts.
The Abiding Presence of the Spirit
This control of our lives by the Spirit is the secret of joyous, loving, peaceful, victorious Christianity and Christian ministry.
Unity and Cooperation Imperative
There is no body of men and women on earth whom God desires to see united in whole-hearted co-operation more than those whom we classify as workers in our cause.