Persevering, Prevailing Prayer
Prevailing prayer must often be learned in the school of discipline and suffering.
Lift the Trailing Standards
Liberalism is not affecting our church doctrinally so much as it is morally and spiritually.
Shall We Encourage Youth to Prepare for the Ministry?
Should I plan on completing the ministerial course and running the chance of getting a place, when workers have been dropped because of budget limitations?
Neglect Not the Foundations
Perhaps nothing is doing more to destroy the saving influence of the home than the lack of Christian instruction on the part of the parents, and we need to recognize and help to correct this.
The Temporary Wooden Tabernacle
The temporary wooden tabernacle has proved a very successful auditorium in which to hold evangelistic meetings.
"Sabbath" in Colossians 2:16
To help us in understanding the term "sabbath" in Colossians 2:16, we should bear in mind that this word is used in the Scriptures in five different senses.
Beginnings of the Evolution Theory No. 2
The tedious discussions about species and their origin have always been relatively mere side issues. The leading idea of the evolution theory is that it professes to give us a genuine history of the slow development of life on the globe.