"Perfect Love Casteth Out Fear"
Fear is the weakest motive for action that can be employed. It dethrones reason and makes cowards of all whom it controls.
This is the Hour of Testing
The message of Revelation 14 constitutes the commission of Seventh-day Adventists, and therefore our commission as its ministers.
Influence A Sacred Trust
God has given definite instruction to those who represent Him before men.
Am I Keeping Mentally Fit?
How may a man ascertain whether he is mentally alive and fit for his work, or is undergoing a process of intellectual stagnation?
Successful Approach to Catholics
The true basis for successful work among all classes of people, whether Jew, Christian, Catholic, or Gentile, is found in Paul's conclusions after a life spent in labor in different lands.
The Art of Introduction
The art of introducing a speaker to an audience is one that should be studied by every gospel worker.
The Assigned Work of the Church
Our business as ministers of God is to give ever and always the message of redemption from sin.
Rural Tent Meetings Feasible
Experience this past summer confirmed my conviction that a rural tent effort can still be held with little expense, and yet produce gratifying results.