We are happy to announce that the Ministry, designated the medium for making, available to the world body of workers the heart of the instruction and round-table discussion in the North American councils on evangelism, has made adequate provision for this reporting. The first council, scheduled for St. Louis, Missouri (December 17-24, 1934), will embrace the workers ofthe Central, Lake, Southern, and Southwestern Unions. The Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, council (December 31 to January 7, 1935), will comprise the laborers of the Atlantic, Columbia, and Eastern Canadian fields. The Western council (embracing the Pacific, North Pacific, and Western Canadian fields) has been postponed for the time being. Announcement as to time and arrangement for this council will be made later.
The initial section of the reported studies and discussions will occupy a large portion of the special 32-page February number of the Ministry, with continuance as a major feature throughout the issues of the year 1935. Three of our General Conference brethren, including Elder Watson, will be present to lead in the instructional hours, together with experienced evangelists from the field, and conference leaders. Elder Branson will be chairman of the sessions.
In addition to these designated studies there will be extensive round-table work in which all will participate, contributing of their experience and conviction. These reports through the Ministry will doubtless prove to be one of the most helpful single contributions of practical worth to appear in the history of this journal. The presentations and discussions should constitute a veritable encyclopedia on evangelism for the experienced, a boon for the less experienced, and a text for the ministerial student.
More than this, through the pages of the Ministry certain of the choicest lectures and instructional features of last summer's Advanced Bible School will appear as an extension, so that all may share certain of its larger benefits. These will include lectures by W. A. Spicer on the history of Seventh-day Adventist missions, by A. G. Daniells on the Spirit of prophecy, and studies in systematic theology by Prof. M. L. Andreasen, together with other valuable features.
Because of these treats that are in store, the Ministry will be invaluable to all theological students, to all lay evangelists, to medical evangelistic workers, and to ministers in non-English-speaking divisions who read English to any satisfactory degree, as well as to the regular staffs of conference laborers, all of whom now have access to this journal.