The motives which lead an individual to make a profession of religion have much to do with his subsequent experience. For this reason it is extremely important that every worker should endeavor to present the truth in a way that will produce or arouse right motives. Even then some will unite with the church from ulterior motives, as did Judas. Many will never even think of analyzing their motives unless the worker points out the necessity, and thus they may easily be self-deceived.
In early life Saul of Tarsus was an ardent and enthusiastic seeker after righteousness, but he was dominated by motives of selfish ambition and Pharisaical pride. Then he had the wonderful experience of being brought into personal contact with Christ, which resulted in the complete change of his character. After this he was even more earnest in his pursuit after righteousness, but from an entirely different motive, as expressed in the words, "That I may win Christ." Formerly his religion had been self-centered; now it was centered in Christ. He looked upon his early experience with shame and regret, realizing that he had been self-deceived.
The author of "A History of Christian Missions in China" sums up the real basic principle of Buddhism in these significant words: "Buddhism gives as its motive for action, not love for God, but the desire for one's own salvation." Here are suggested two principles which are not only unlike, but are positively and actively antagonistic. The desire for one's own salvation, apart from love for God, is from beneath and is satanic, and forms the basis of every false religion. It is the same spirit that dominated Lucifer when he declared, "I will be like the Most High." But seeking salvation because of love for God is from above and is of God, and forms the basis of a true Christian experience.
Do I want to be saved because God loves me and has awakened a responsive love in my heart, or merely because I love myself? Many say they desire to accept Christ so that they may be happy, or so that they may go to heaven. Manifestly their idea is not to be saved from their sins, but to escape the penalty of their sins. They are prompted by desire for present enjoyment and hope of reward at the end of life, rather than by a longing for present salvation from the dominion of sin, and for real union of spirit with the Saviour. One of the infinite superiorities of the Christian religion over all others is that it provides present salvation from sin.
Those whose motive in becoming Christians is primarily the desire for their own salvation are simply "making Christ a means to an end." Their religion is self-centered and self-deceiving. True religion makes Christ the center. We long to "win Christ," not for what we can get out of Him, but because of what He is. The apostle Paul says, "I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but refuse, that I may win Christ." Phil. 3:8, A. R. V. He longed to "know Him, and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings." Phil. 3:10, A. R. V. He did not choose Christ in order to escape loss and suffering. He chose loss and suffering that he might know Christ better. His interest and love were centered in Christ, not in self.
To make a Christian profession from the motive of "the desire for one's own salvation," rather than from love for God, involves the same principle as for a young woman to marry a man, not primarily because she loves him, but because he can provide a home and money and personal enjoyment. We regard such a course as utterly selfish and unworthy. Yet it is evident that many professed Christians are not thinking primarily of winning Christ. They are thinking of winning peace and happiness and various temporal blessings here, and of escaping the fate of the wicked and gaining a home in heaven. To them salvation centers in self.
A recognition of this principle may help to explain much of the superficiality among professed Christians, much of the failure to obtain real satisfaction, and much of the present apostasy from Christianity. The whole spirit of true Christianity is summed up in the two great commandments, "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbor as thyself." Luke 10:27. There is no place for self or selfish motives in such an experience. The one who cherishes this true motive knows the joy of present salvation, for "love is the fulfilling of the law" (Rom. 13:10), and "every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love." 1 John 4:7, 8.
It is not possible to love self and love God at the same time. Every sin we commit is the result of loving self more than we love God or our fellow men. So the Saviour said, "If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow Me." Luke 9:23. And again, "No man can serve two masters." Matt. 6:24. If Christ is Master, there is no room left for self to have control.
Is it not a serious thing for us as ministers to encourage an individual to be baptized and united with the church without first earnestly endeavoring to make sure that it is not merely to secure personal happiness and to escape the penalty of sin? Those who join the church from selfish motives are neither a help nor an honor to the cause of God. But those whose only motive is to glorify God and build up His kingdom, will be channels of blessing and power to the church.
Modesto, Calif.