Our workers throughout the world who read English, will, I feel confident, be very much pleased to know that Elder Daniells' new book, "The Abiding Gift of Prophecy," is included in the 1936 Ministerial Reading Course. It will be off the press very soon, and in the hands of our people everywhere. It is fortunate indeed that it can be placed as the leader in the Ministerial Reading Course for next year, for above all groups our workers should possess and study this volume.
For several years Elder Daniells was urged by ministerial conventions, presidents' councils, and Autumn Councils of the General Conference, to write such a book. He had frewntly given series of studies upon this subject in different important general gatherings, and these were always greatly appreciated. It was felt by the brethren that, with his long years of leadership in the denomination and his consequently long and intimate association with Mrs. White in her lifework, together with his broad knowledge of her writings and counsels, he was eminently fitted for such a task. His simple, clear, forceful style of writing would enable him to set before our people in a strong, interesting, and effective way the gift and ministry of the Spirit of prophecy as God's chosen means of communicating with His people through the ages, and to the remnant church in particular.
In response to the urge of his brethren, Elder Daniells prepared the manuscript for this book. It was his last contribution to the cause to which he had devoted his life. It is written in a most interesting and convincing style, and will fill a place in our denominational literature that no other book occupies. It will be a very—great blessing and-benefit to -our workers-and our people everywhere. It stands as a worthy monument to the memory of the author, and to his work among and for this people. This book should be possessed and read by every one of our people who has a knowledge of the English language. Our workers will find it to be especially helpful. I commend it to all.