Editorial Keynotes
Modernism discloses its heart.
L.E.F. is editor of the Ministry.
L.E.F. is editor of the Ministry.
February 1936
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Having Ears to Hear
Frequently Christ cautioned His hearers to take heed how they heard.
Revealing God to Men No. 1
John 17 and Christ's marching orders for the church.
Doctrinal Belief Profoundly Affects Life (II)
Did Christ confine His public teaching to general statements concerning goodness, virtue, and repentance, or did He also definitely teach doctrine?
A Great Soul Winner's Methods
Those who were closely acquainted with the work of Elder W. W. Simpson, who passed off the stage of action some twenty-eight years ago, will doubtless concede that he was, during the period of his ministry, one of the most successful soul winners in the history of our organized work.
Magnifying the Scripture Lesson
It is to be deeply regretted that the Scripture reading often lacks the instructional and devotional elements.
Ministerial Responsibility Connected with the Marriage Ceremony
Ignorance, poverty, and crime flourish best when the barriers formed by a united family are taken away.
Modernism's Inadequacy Is Our Opportunity
It is common knowledge that Modernism is in the ascendancy, that a very great majority of the clergy and of the theological schools are to an increasing degree contaminated with Liberalistic ideas. But it is not so widely known that Modernism is beginning to be questioned in the house of its friends.
The Foreign BookWorkby (IV)
The Saviour's parting command to His disciples, "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations," rang with insistent appeal in the ears of Mrs. Ellen G. White, His chosen messenger for these last days.
Editorial Postscripts
From the Ministry back page.
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