The gospel is for all the world, as God's plan of salvation knows no national boundaries or racial limitations. The whole human race is included within the scope of infinite love, "for God so loved the world, that He gave His only-begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." Israel of old failed upon this one issue of nationalism, more, perhaps, than upon any other. They had received a divine commission. The Lord had placed them in a favorable location on the highway of the nations, and to them the words of the prophet came:
"Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and His glory shall be seen upon thee. And the Gentiles shall come to thy light, and kings to the brightness of thy rising." Isa. 60:1-3.
The light of the glory of God and of His truth was to shine through Israel out to all the nations of earth. It was the Lord's plan that the nations were to be brought to a knowledge of God by the light revealed through Israel. But they failed to carry out God's plan. They shut themselves away from the rest of the world, and grew to look upon people of other races and nations as inferior to themselves. When Jesus appeared upon earth, this attitude of selfish nationalism had so far developed that the Jews looked upon the Gentiles as but dogs.
In delivering the great commission to the disciples, Jesus repeatedly emphasized the fact that they were to begin to witness for Him in Jerusalem, but that this work was to be carried into all the world to every nation. Notwithstanding this instruction, even the apostle Peter was unprepared to carry out the Master's orders until he had had a special vision, as will be seen from the tenth chapter of Acts.
The great threefold message of Revelation 14 has been committed to this people. It is a world-wide proclamation of the everlasting gospel. It is to be preached "unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people."
Undoubtedly, the most outstanding characteristic among the nations of the world today is the spirit of nationalism. This spirit is rampant everywhere. The political expediency of a national policy based on this spirit is quite apart from the purpose of this editorial. We are not unmindful of the difficulties and distresses of the leaders of the nations. In these days of tension and perplexity the statesmen of earth are hard pressed. Some nations seem forced to take positions that are inimical to the interests of others.
But as workers in the cause of God, we live and work in another realm. And in this realm, that pertains to the things of the kingdom of God, we must keep ourselves free from every spirit or attitude that would separate us from our fellow believers of other nations. Let it be emphasized over ,and over again that this is a world message. Every worker in this cause is under obligation to the One who said, "Go ye into all the world," to see that the spirit of nationalism does not arise in our midst to wreck the work of God. The work of ancient Israel was wrecked on this rock. Let us take heed, and not allow prejudice or feeling to arise in any quarter that will as surely bring defeat to God's cause today.
We should be message-conscious, world-conscious. "Behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest." We should not move in the Lord's work, within a narrow range of bigotry or racial jealousy.
It is not reasonable to suppose that national or racial characteristics and attitudes should be suppressed or laid aside. Love for home and the homeland is inherent in every human heart. These finer feelings are worthy of being cherished and cultivated. For these we do not need to substitute hatred and jealousy for the people of other nations and races. The true spirit of the Master will keep us free from such feelings.
In the experience of the apostle Peter, already referred to, he was constrained to say, "Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: but in every nation he that feareth Him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with Him."
Let us pray God to keep our hearts free from everything that destroys the operation of the Holy Spirit in our lives. In order to do the work committed to us and to carry this blessed message of gospel truth into all the world, we must be delivered from the spirit that prevails in the world.