Effective Publicity Methods

Various ways of effective advertising.

G. A. COON, Trenton, N. J.

We are having a good attendance at our tent meetings. We advertised the meetings in several ways. Ten thousand handbills were used for house-to-house work. The radio was also used several times. We wrote a few hundred let­ters to businessmen in the city and also to individuals who attended our meetings last year, inviting them to our services. This proved very successful. By buying advertising space on about seventy-five buses, for a card 11 x 21 inches we secured free space on twice as many. Thus nearly every bus in town has either one or two of our large advertisements. We got this idea at the beginning of the year in Jersey City, where it is unlawful to give, out any handbills from door to door.

We have four large signs in town. One, painted by the Maxwell Sign Company, is 12 x 40 feet. This sign is almost in the very heart of the city and attracts hundreds of people every hour. It shows a picture of the speaker, gives the place and the time of meet­ings, and has blank space in which we place the subject for each evening.

The Trenton church is organized into three large bands: the Red, the White, and the Blue. These bands are subdivided into smaller bands for the purpose of stirring our people to do all within their power to bring their friends to the meetings. Every Sabbath we are display­ing the names of all who have brought friends to the tent during the week. One brother reported ninety people brought last week. A prize Ca Bible or book] is offered to the one bringing the largest number during the six weeks' course. For the benefit of those who have cars but who are not financially able to make several trips for friends, we have a "gas fund." All are asked to contribute to this fund, and a special offering is taken during the fifteen-minute service, whenever necessary.

We are now visiting the members of the church in another attempt to infuse them with the evangelistic spirit. We carry with us a book with the name of each church member and a special place for names of friends for whom he is burdened. If he has no burden, we hope to give him one.

Our church is already organized for Harvest Ingathering. There is a splendid spirit, and all are anxious to help in the Ingathering so their pastor may continue the evangelistic meetings beyond the six weeks' period.

Sincerely your brother,


Trenton, N. J.

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G. A. COON, Trenton, N. J.

November 1936

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