Outlets for Spiritual Power
Outlining the spiritual ideals and the vital objectives of departmental work.
Responsibilities of Indigenous Leadership
Should we not do much more for our indigenous workers in institutes where in a very definite and careful way we can train and inspire these men, many of whom have capacity and ability for efficient work?
The Alcohol Problem*—No. 1
When planning to consider the problem which alcohol presents in the world today, we should first get a view of the whole subject and consider all of its multiple phases.
File for Sermon Material
After long experimentation with various methods for filing sermon material, I have found one that is satisfactory.
Evangelism Among Roman Catholics
Tact is the outstanding factor requisite in dealing with any person or group, of whatever religious persuasion. But this is particularly true in winning Roman Catholics to present truth.
Reaching the Masses of a Conference—No. 1
A conference facing the task of warning a population of nearly four million people who reside in 205 counties, 174 of these counties without a Seventh-day Adventist church, presents a need and an appeal that no conference can lightly consider.
Bible History Teaches Bible Doctrine—No. 1
Bible history is inseparable from Bible doctrine, and constitutes its setting or foundation.
Effective Climax
A very successful preacher has found through experience the power of effective climax in Biblical exegesis and public exhortation.