Second Angel's Message
Babylon Is Fallen
A refusal to accept the first angel's message leads to a fall, spiritually, and to confusion of spiritual teaching. Men begin to unveil theories of their own, and to substitute them for the teachings of the Scriptures. In this way the real meaning of the Word is perverted. Here is the place to call attention to our lapsed state as a Christian world. This must be done tactfully, but it can be done fully and very helpfully. Arresting advertising titles can be used here. A careful presentation of this section will prepare the way for the next, the third angel's message.
Third Angel's Message
This calls upon us to establish definitely in the minds of the people the identity of the "beast." Here is the place where we deal with the Roman Church, and the time when it became the "beast" of Apocalyptic prophecy. I believe that God calls upon this people in the very facts of the message to complete that which He began through men back in the Reformation times.
We need a treatment of the subject such as the Saviour would give if He were to fill our pulpits—not a scourging, but a revelation. This goes with the advent message. That is proved by 2 Thessalonians 2:3: The advent will not take place "except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed." How can that man of sin be revealed if we, as Adventist preachers, shun the task assigned? The message calls upon us to take up the task. We should do it intelligently and in the fear of God. This message calls upon us to deal with the closing period and features of the Roman Church. With this in mind, such scriptures as Revelation 17 and Revelation 13:3 call for close and careful investigation. We should not apply these scriptures haphazardly to the entire career of the Papacy. They have a specific message for our time.
The Mark of the Beast
This should be presented in antithesis to the mark or seal of God, the Sabbath, and the full teaching of the Bible thereon should be given.
The Wine of the Wrath of God
Hereunder we consider the plagues.
Tormented With Fire and Brimstone
This brings to view the punishment God metes out to the wicked. Is it eternal torment?
The Commandments of God and the Faith of Jesus
Opportunity is here afforded to point out that which produces the people of the message. They keep the commandments of God. They have the faith of Jesus. Law and gospel are here blended. There are no antagonisms. Subjects such as "The Law and Gospel," "Under Law and Under Grace," "The Two Laws," may be considered here. With these, tithing may be taken up. Is it of the legal dispensation? or of both the legal dispensation and the new dispensation of grace?
Blessed Are the Dead Which Die in the Lord
It will be seen at once that this verse in the message gives the Bible teaching on the state of the dead. They rest from their labors. This places it about where most experienced evangelists would wish to give it in a series of meetings. Immortality, conditional or inherent, is considered here.
From verse 14 to the close of the chapter we have a recapitulation, or summary„ of the message. A wise evangelist will wish to review his subjects with his audience, and gather out his baptismal class. Here is the opportunity, and the message which is ours to preach to the world affords it. The pillars of the faith are found in this message. The Spirit of prophecy can be introduced in the summary under the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.
In thus preaching an evangelistic or a mission series right from the messages themselves, we have this advantage: the people will discover that the message that so interests and impresses them is the one committed to this people. They will see, also, that it applies to the last days. In fact, it is the closing message for the world. They will thus become good Seventh-day Adventists before they even realize it. That is why I believe we should go right to the throbbing heart of the message, instead of preaching around the edges of it in preparation for it. The message itself is sufficient preparation.
The Revelator says: "Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand." Rev. 1:3. Sister White says: "When we as a people understand what the book means to us, there will be seen among us a great revival."—"Testimonies to Ministers," p. 11,3.
I believe that. It has been demonstrated many times in my ministry. I have gone to places to conduct a mission where the church has been in poor shape, spiritually. There has come new life to that church, not only through the accession of new members to its roll, but also through a new experience from God which has entered the hearts of old believers through hearing again the great message of Revelation 14, Brethren, let us go right to the heart of things, and preach the message committed to our charge.