The Preacher in Study and Prayer*
Cultivating a rich inner life for more effective ministry.
Issuance of Earliest Testimonies No. 1*
How Ellen White endeavored to deliver to individuals and to the church messages that were given to counsel, guide, or reprove, and to encourage the traveler on the Christian pathway.
Status of Reform-Calendar Issue
The calendar-revision question has taken on new life since the International Labor Council succeeded in getting the ear of the League of Nations.
Checking Our Losses
One of the most alarming facts that we face as a denomination is the large number of apostasies we have in comparison with our baptisms.
The Choir Conductor
To picture a choir conductor who is ideal in training and personality is an easier task than to find one who meets these ideals.
The Roman Week
Did the Romans operate an eight-day or a nine-day week up to the time of Theodosius? And did the Greeks operate on a ten-day week?