Field Training School Developments No. 1
It is evident that our time for soulsaving work is short. All this constitutes an inescapable call to more aggressive, intensified evangelism.
The Evangelist's Relationships
As one of the fundamentals of successful work, the evangelist must always remember that the conference president is his best friend.
Preparing Candidates for Baptism
The importance of sound conversion and faith prior to baptism.
Ways of Increasing the Tithe
The Spirit of prophecy makes very clear the minister's responsibility relative to increasing the tithe.
Be Wise As Serpents
There are times when arguments must be met squarely, but I do not believe it is our duty, or that it is wise, to combat every erroneous idea at the time it is set forth.
How Sabbath School Lessons are Prepared
Believing our full worker body would appreciate an accurate statement of the procedure lying back of the finished Sabbath school lesson product, we asked Elder Wellman, who has been one of the secretaries of the department for the last ten years, to prepare this informative article.—Editor.
Effective Approaches to Catholics (Concluded)
Part three considers advertising for Catholics