Preparing Candidates for Baptism

The importance of sound conversion and faith prior to baptism.

By G. F. EICHMAN, President, East Pennsylvania Conference

In the Gospel of Mark we learn that faith must precede baptism: "He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned." I do not take this reference to mean belief in baptism only. It does not suffice for the candidate to believe that he must be baptized by immersion rather than by sprinkling. It is my understanding that the candidate must believe in all points of this everlasting gospel message.

Taking sound conversion as axiomatic and foundational, the candidate should, for one thing, fully understand and believe that the Sabbath is holy from sunset Friday night until sunset Saturday night. A number of years ago, before automobiles were so plenti­ful, I was a guest in the home of a Seventh-day Adventist family who lived twenty-five miles from town. About four-thirty Sabbath after­noon, the head of the house suggested that we hitch up the team and drive to town, as there were some things he needed to get for his machine in order to continue harvesting his wheat crop. Personally, I was perplexed over this suggestion. He noticed my perplex­ity, and stated that he did not mean to buy anything on the Sabbath, and that it would not be a violation of the holy day to drive to town as long as we did not reach town until after sunset. Upon my asking him if he did not know the Sabbath was to be observed from sunset Friday night until sunset Satur­day night, he stated that he had had no such instruction before he was baptized.

The candidate should also fully understand that it is the divine plan for the gospel min­istry to be supported through the tithing sys­tem. Repeatedly I have heard men and women apparently in good and regular standing in the church say that they did not believe in tithing. This may indicate a lack of instruc­tion on the part of the minister.

The subject of temperance is also often over­looked, or, perhaps, carelessly dealt with when candidates are baptized and taken into the church. In recent years I met a man on a train who appeared to be spiritually inclined, and soon we were discussing various religious topics. He made the statement that although other churches differ from the Seventh-day Ad­ventist Church on many matters, we were to­gether on the temperance question. He said he had a very dear friend who belonged to the Adventist Church, also a traveling man, and often while they traveled together they smoked cigarettes and indulged in drinks. I denied that this man could smoke and indulge in drinks and be a Seventh-day Adventist. But upon inquiry I was very much disappointed to learn that the man was a member of one of the leading churches in the conference where I labored. When he was rebuked for his con­duct, he stated that he had not been informed that we as a denomination did not use tobacco or intoxicating drinks, and he stopped it at once.

Health reform is another matter which is often treated carelessly. Many people are brought into the truth who have no idea of the principles of health reform and are left in darkness regarding our teachings upon this subject. Often they are told by their instructor what not to eat, but not what to eat. Most people are glad to banish from their table those things which are injurious to their bodies, if they are also instructed regarding what is good to eat, what they need, and the proper combinations of foods. Health reform does not consist alone in abstaining from eat­ing meats, just as temperance does not mean only to refrain from drinking and smoking. The Bible and the Spirit of prophecy teach us to be temperate in all things, and outline both what we should eat and what we should not eat.

It is truly sad to meet people who have been taken into the church who have absolutely no knowledge of the Spirit of prophecy. There is danger that because of the great desire of the evangelist to bring in a large number of converts, he will overlook this very important point. Personally, I think it a fatal mistake to neglect to teach candidates the truths re­garding the Spirit of prophecy.

The candidate should also be taught that as a denomination we sincerely believe the sec­ond coming of Christ will take place in the near future. I would take the position that a person who does not know whether Christ may come tonight or may not come until a million years have passed, is not ready for baptism.

Candidates for baptism should be fully in­structed and made to understand all the truths have here mentioned, as well as others which I have not mentioned. before being baptized and taken into the fellowship of the church.

If the Master's instruction were fully car­ried out—that is, "Go ye" and "teach," and then "baptize"—there would not be nearly as many apostasies as we have today. Those who apostatize are usually people who have not been thoroughly informed regarding the var­ious points of our truth.

When I gave my entire time to evangelistic work, I felt that my labors had just begun with my sermon in the pulpit. I was very fond of the idea of having a baptismal class, which would meet perhaps an hour before the evening service or at some other suitable hour. At this time instruction would be given on various points of our doctrine, thus prop­erly preparing candidates for baptism. I have always felt that no person should be baptized without having had thorough instruction on all points of truth held by our organization.

* Presented at Columbia Union Institute.

By G. F. EICHMAN, President, East Pennsylvania Conference

October 1937

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