The Evangelist's Relationships

As one of the fundamentals of successful work, the evangelist must always remem­ber that the conference president is his best friend.

By H. M. S. RICHARDS, Radio Evangelist, Pacific Union

As one of the fundamentals of successful  work, the evangelist must always remem­ber that the conference president is his best friend. If success in the work is to be achieved, there must never be the slightest rift here. An evangelistic campaign needs the wholehearted approval and support of the conference presi­dent and his committee.

If a meeting is held in a town where there is a local church, the evangelist needs the sym­pathetic support of that church to assure their attendance at the meetings and to utilize the latent talents of the church members in con­nection with the effort. The church may not be large, but every ounce of support available needs to be thrown on the right side in an evangelistic campaign. The local church mem­bers ought to be willing to make the evangel­istic campaign the chief center of their interest during its continuance. All social gatherings and programs that might distract should be called off for the time being, and every energy turned toward the meetings.

On the other hand, the evangelist needs to cooperate with the local elders and other work­ers in all the regular activities of the church, as it seeks to carry out the conference program. In disunion there is misunderstanding and loss, but in unity and cooperation there is strength and success.

By H. M. S. RICHARDS, Radio Evangelist, Pacific Union

October 1937

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