Is it a sin to eat meat?
I do not understand that the eating of clean meats involves a moral question. It is essentially a physiological question. We understand that Christ and some of the angels ate meat, at times, as mentioned in the Scriptures, and they did not sin. The sin of gluttony may, of course, occur in eating meat as well as in eating other foods.
But even though it is not a sin to eat meat, it is obvious that meat was no part of man's original diet. We cannot conceive of the an Adam killing the animals that were to share with him the beauties and pleasures of the Edenic home. Nor can we believe that we shall kill the animals that are certain to be in the restored Eden, or use their dead bodies for food.
Although meat eating may not be declared a sin, we may be sure that it is a result of sin. It is not the food that God would choose for us. When He miraculously fed Israel forty years, He excluded animal flesh from their diet. It is evident that He desires to have His people who are preparing for the new earth, learn to turn away from a flesh diet which came-about after the fall and which will not be continued in the new earth.
E. K. SLADE, President, North Pacific Union Conference