Creative Thinking
The Missionary's Most Needful Preparation (An Address at Blue Ridge Educational Convention, August 19, 1937).
Future Leaders of the Church
To secure able men for the ministry is an object of transcendent, urgent, world-wide concern to the church of the advent movement.
A Converted Ministry Imperative
The ambassadorship conferred by God upon man is more powerful than the ministry of angels could possibly be, for they have never known the bane of sin or the blessing of pardon.
Worldly Amusements and Recreations*
None are in so great danger as those who apprehend no danger, and are impatient of caution and counsel.
The Pope and New Babylon
Have Catholic leaders ever called Rome "Babylon," or is that term used only by Protestants?
Make Public Evangelism Foremost
Those of us who live in Eastern lands must guard against a tendency to think that, because public evangelistic work may be difficult in our part of the world field, it is not a satisfactory method for propagating the gospel where we work, but is more suitable for Western lands.
Conserving Our Converts
If we are in any way responsible for the falling away of any of these "little ones," Christ is very much displeased with us.
Religious Trends in India—No. 2
Our continued look at the various movements of religion in India.
The Parting Counsels of Volume IX
Our continued look at the background of the writings of Ellen White.