Undue Losses in Church Membership—No. I*
Any study of the trends which cause loss of church membership in North America must be approached in a spirit of humble consecration to the task of holding our believers in a fellowship with the Saviour, and with an earnest prayer that they may be sanctified.
Imparting A World VisionImparting A World Vision—No. 1
Address at Blue Ridge Educational Convention, August, 1937.
Poster Advertising Profitable
Correct methods of advertising do much to make evangelistic meetings successful.
Build For Lasting Membership
In recent months we have heard much concerning the need for conserving our converts. Our leaders have urgently appealed by voice and pen for us to put forth every possible effort to stem our losses through apostasy.
Filing Sermon Materials
Please suggest a method of keeping notes, clippings, ideas for sermons, etc., in orderly arrangement so that they are available at a moment's notice.
Momentous Implications At Oxford—No. 1
Religious liberalism has undermined the meaning of the nature and citizenship of the kingdom of God, together with the time and manner of its establishment,—turns vainly to the creations of its own reasonings and fancy in unwitting harmony with the impending events so clearly revealed.
Transfer of White Estate Materials—No. 1
It is fitting at this time that we should review with our workers throughout the world field certain facts regarding the activities of the White Estate during the past twenty-two years, and that we should make a statement regarding the provisions made for the future conduct of its work.