Islam as a World Problem
Islam is unquestionably the greatest problem confronting the Christian church today, the supreme barrier to the consummation of the gospel commission. This first address brings the great problem before us in panoramic survey.
Principles of Conference Administration
The importance of right principles of organization and administration in the conduct of a world movement such as ours, can scarcely be overemphasized.
Ordination of Local Elders
Ought a "charge" be given in the ordination of local elders and deacons?
The Question of Altar Calls
There are three great powers of the mind, which in their normal action follow clearly defined psychological laws.
"Voice of Prophecy" Broadcasts
In the Pacific Union Conference an interesting experiment in radio evangelism has been in operation throughout the year 1937. H. M. S. Richards has been conducting a State-wide broadcast over a ten-station hook-up, blanketing the entire State of California with the message.
Successful Radio Methods Summarized
It is just two years since we began a concerted effort to give our wonderful message by radio. Some of the lessons we have learned by experience and experiment regarding proper methods for success in this work, may be summed up briefly as follows...
Structure of Our World Movement-- No. 1
This article begins a series of exceptional importance, dealing with the huge task of financing a world movement. The organization setup, which forms the groundwork of financial plans now operative, must therefore necessarily introduce the discussion of financial provisions with which every worker should be familiar.