Ordination of Local Elders

Ought a "charge" be given in the ordination of local elders and deacons?

E.E. Andross

The denomination has no set form for the ordination of elders and deacons. The practice we now follow is the one pursued since the early days of the message. The plan, briefly stated, is this:

A few scriptures regarding the duties of elders and deacons are read. Then a prayer of consecration is offered, with the laying on of hands. This service must be performed by an ordained minister, and not by a local elder, and only after the election by the church of the individuals to be ordained. The same form is usually employed for the ordination of both elder and deacon, the difference being in the instruction given and in the office to which he is called. The distinction in the office of elder and that of deacon should be made plain to the officers and the church.

An elder can of course do the work of a deacon, as his ordination covers the deacon's work. But the ordination of a deacon does not cover the work of the elder. Should a deacon later be elected as church elder, he should be ordained as elder. These officers are elected for one year, and serve in their own local church only. Should either of these officers be reelected, reordination is unneces­sary.

An ordained elder has no authority to offi­ciate in a church other than the one by which he has been elected. If circumstances make it necessary for one elder to serve more than one church, he should be elected in both churches. In such a case, he need not be reordained in the second. It has never been our practice to give a charge either to the elder or to the deacon at the time of ordina­tion, such as is given in the ordination of a minister.                                   


[Field Secretary, General Conference.]

E.E. Andross

March 1938

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