The Atonement Central in Salvation—No. 1
The standard of truth is to be uplifted, and the atonement of Christ presented as the grand, central theme for consideration. —"Testimonies," Vol. VIII, p. 77.
Question-And-Answer Service—No. 1
The question-and-answer service is of marked value in creating interest and teaching truth in a series of evangelistic meetings.
Principles of Administration—No. 2
What was the form of administration, or government, of the New Testament church?
Catching the World-Wide Vision*
It was never more important that we be united than today, for in union there is strength, in division weakness.
Accountability for Our Baptisms
Heavy Losses Are an Inexcusable Reproach to an Evangelist.
The Small Hall Effort
We welcome these very practical suggestions on the small hall effort, prepared by one of our interns.
The Threefold Union Forming—No. 1
In the January and February numbers of The Ministry I gave consideration to the international conference on Life and Work held at Oxford, England, last July, and now I shall deal with the similar conference on Faith and Order held at Edinburgh, Scotland, the following month, with substantially the same delegates.
Catholic Rome and Babylon
A look at the Protestant position on the Papacy in the 17th and 18th century.