Beware of Reversing God's Order
With increasing openings in heathen lands and many hitherto untouched places, we as Seventh-day Adventists need carefully to guard against prematurely introducing certain features of our work to the neglect of the evangelical.
The Implications of Catholicity—No. 1
What does it mean to assert the catholicity of the church?
Principles of Administration—No. 5
Should the officers of a church attempt to instruct or control the votes of a church delegation?
Training an Indigenous Ministry
No greater task lies before our leaders in mission lands than the training of a strong, indigenous ministry, called of God to give the message to their own people in the land in which they were born.
Learning From Others
Would you like to glean the very best from the experience of other foreign mission societies, working by our side in every land?
Good Form in the Pulpit
The primary function of the services in the house of God is worship.
"Dress Reform" Counsels of 1865—No. 1
Now and then critics of the Spirit of prophecy have sought to represent that gift as leading our church sisters into something ridiculous in the way of dress in the early times.