Protecting Against Offshoot Deceptions
I believe that definite responsibility rests upon all our ministers a n d leaders in trying to safeguard our church members from the deceptions brought to bear upon them by offshoots that arise from time to time.
The "Manifestation" of Christ's Coming
What is the significance of the Greek word "epiphaneia"?
Principles of Administration—No. 6
Part six of our continued looking at the principles used in church administration.
Implications of Catholicity—No. 2
Our continued look at the meaning of the term catholicity and its application in church history.
Maintaining A World Movement
The financial support of the Seventh-day Adventist organization is derived largely from the tithes and offerings of its church members.
African Bible "Worker Institute
For some time our evangelistic program in the South African Union has suffered from a lack of a sufficient number of trained Bible workers.
The Paramount Lesson of Israel—No. 1
From a study of the conditions existing just before Christ's first advent—having first placed them in the proper setting of the previous centuries—we may gain a glimpse of some of the pitfalls that are before us, and of God's method of saving to Himself those who specially desire to keep covenant relationship with Him.