For some time our evangelistic program in the South African Union has suffered from a lack of a sufficient number of trained Bible workers. From time to time, a number of our faithful lay sisters have had to be called from their home cares and pressed into service during an effort. Their home responsibilities have sometimes prevented their staying by the work long enough to gather all the fruit of their labors. Other sisters who are unencumbered by home cares, have been pressed into service, but their lack of training has been a considerable handicap.
With a view to strengthening our force, the union conference decided to hold an institute at which all the Bible workers and likely recruits to the work might receive help which would better fit them for service. The institute was held over a three-week period, and the conferences bore the expense of those who attended. A staff of teachers was chosen from among the more experienced workers in the field. The following topics were studied: Bible Doctrines, Meeting Objections, Secular History, Church History, Church Organization, Denominational History, Methods, Demonstrations.
Notebook work was required of each student, and abundant opportunity was given to answer queries raised in class. At the close of the convention all those in attendance expressed their appreciation for the studies which had been given. The institute will doubtless prove of benefit in strengthening our force of Bible workers in Southern Africa.